MIT Missing Semester 6: Version Control
感觉自己对于Git以及版本控制的了解还是太浅薄,看了Missing Semester后有一些启发和感悟,做此记录。本讲主要讲了Git底层的数据模型如tree、blob、object、reference,以及一些常用的命令如merge、branch等。
感觉自己对于Git以及版本控制的了解还是太浅薄,看了Missing Semester后有一些启发和感悟,做此记录。本讲主要讲了Git底层的数据模型如tree、blob、object、reference,以及一些常用的命令如merge、branch等。
这篇论文在前段时间非常火,然后最近学习了一下。网上有不少参考资料,为了方便查找列在下面。本文主要目的是记录一些好的参考资料以及some notes。
这篇论文提出了一种新颖的方式,将传统的Natural Language Understanding任务通过cloze的方式输入进PLM中。
This post is a summary of participating in this Kaggle competition.
In general, it's a time series prediction competition which includes a strong background in finance, to the point that I spent a lot of time on figuring out those finance terms.
At the time I write this post, the final results haven't came out, but my final public score is 5.3341, ranking at the 186th place. My code is visible at my github.
In this post, I write down the cutting-edge strategies of In-context Learning and record corresponding repo/codes. We will record different methods that improve LLM's emergency abilities.
Here's the repo in terms of related papers to In-context Learning. All notes taken in this post is based on reading papers in this repo.
Here's a chinese interpretation about the survey of ICL.