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MIT Missing Semester 6: Version Control

感觉自己对于Git以及版本控制的了解还是太浅薄,看了Missing Semester后有一些启发和感悟,做此记录。本讲主要讲了Git底层的数据模型如tree、blob、object、reference,以及一些常用的命令如merge、branch等。

Paper Sharing: Pattern-Exploiting Training (PET)


这篇论文提出了一种新颖的方式,将传统的Natural Language Understanding任务通过cloze的方式输入进PLM中。

(Kaggle) Optiver - Trading at the Close

This post is a summary of participating in this Kaggle competition.

In general, it's a time series prediction competition which includes a strong background in finance, to the point that I spent a lot of time on figuring out those finance terms.

At the time I write this post, the final results haven't came out, but my final public score is 5.3341, ranking at the 186th place. My code is visible at my github.

A brief Introduction of In-context Learning (ICL)

In this post, I write down the cutting-edge strategies of In-context Learning and record corresponding repo/codes. We will record different methods that improve LLM's emergency abilities.

Here's the repo in terms of related papers to In-context Learning. All notes taken in this post is based on reading papers in this repo.

Here's a chinese interpretation about the survey of ICL.